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Cataclysms neugestaltetes Azeroth, die Endzeit-Vision von Fallout: New Vegas oder doch die technisch fortgeschrittene Online-Welt von Aion? Wir wollten wissen, welches Online- oder Offline-Rollenspiel 2010 Eurer Meinung nach die beste Grafik geboten hat.
You still have yet to try Bioware’s latest success, Dragon Age: Origins? This epic fantasy RPG is available for all three platforms, sorry Wii but you just can’t this type of sexiness. Now imagine the in-depth character development, the critical character interactions that require immediate drastic decisions, the moral conundrums, and the well designed battle system of Mass Effect implemented in a dark fantasy world of Dragons, demons, blood rituals, and more bizarre beasts than you can shake a stick at. That unholy marriage pretty much describes Dragon Age: Origins. Let’s take a look at a few details regarding this addicting game.

Wertung: 10/10
Having already beaten the Playstation 3 Dragon Age: Origins, I felt compelled to try out and review the Collector's Edition from EA on the Macintosh. Is there much of a difference or was it more of the same?

Read on....

Wertung: 10.0
If there’s one developer who consistently churn out top quality RPG’s, it’s BioWare. BioWare have been responsible for party-based fantasy epics such as Baldur’s Gate, Neverwinter Nights and the wuxia influenced Jade Empire, as well as using the Star Wars licence to stunning effect with Knights of the Old Republic and inventing a superb new sci-fi IP, combining it with party-based roleplaying and squad-based shooting in the hugely successful Mass Effect. That’s a lot to live up to. Dragon Age: Origins sees BioWare return to epic fantasy roleplaying, and is touted as the spiritual successor to Baldur’s Gate.

Wertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
Bioware has certainly developed quite the following for themselves over the years. With titles such as Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire, and Mass Effect being their most recent success stories, it’s safe to say they have a segment of the RPG market covered. If you’ve never played a Bioware RPG before then all you really need to know is that each game’s story is well-crafted, the worlds are immersive, and there’s a trademark branching conversation system (more on this later). Dragon Age: Origins represents all of those traits and more.

Wertung: 4,5 von 5 Sternen
Bioware loves its fantasy settings as much as Lionel likes a security blanket. If they’re not enraptured with dragons, dwarves, demons and debauchery, then its spaceships, science-fiction, strange aliens and… well more debauchery. Mass Effect was Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic with hot alien sex, and now we have Dragon Age: Dungeons and Dragons with hot interracial elf/dwarf action.

Wertung: 91%
After the major success of Mass Effect, how was BioWare going to bring their great brand of RPG gameplay back to the consoles? Well they answered with Dragon Age: Origins, an RPG of epic proportions that takes everything good about Mass Effect and games like Elder Scrolls and than blends them together.
If it's possible to have your impression of a game changed after fifty hours of gameplay, Dragon Age: Origins is the game that did so for me. After completing my initial playthrough and dabbling with other storylines, I thought that in order to give a fair review of the game, I should play through one of the other storylines more fully. A few days later, I found myself back at the end of the game with my second character. Quite simply, Dragon Age: Origins is one of the most fun and addicting gaming experiences I have ever had, and I recommend it without any reservations.

Wertung: 93%
Can the imagination ever convey as much meaning as experience? Or rather, can exploration of the imagination — the inner life of the mind — itself become a fully developed sort of experience?
After devoting roughly 120 hours in less than two weeks to completing the vast expanse of Dragon Age: Origins, I am left only with those questions.

Keine Wertung
It’s been a really long time since I’ve played a game that aimed to take over my life. In fact, I can probably count all such games (going back to my first video game RPG in 1988) on both hands. Baldur’s Gate and Oblivion are the most memorable of the lot, but my last adventure as the Hero of Kevatch was about two years ago. Since then, Fallout 3 filled the void for a time, and Borderlands tried its best to be rebound relationship number two, but they’ll both end up on that list of dalliances I refer to as “almost rans.” I’ve a new game in my life now, we’re very happy together, and I’m ready to commit to it completely. Dragon Age: Origins is that game. It’s poised to consume my life, and that’s just the way I like my games: deep.

Wertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
Englisch (XBox360)
If you're the kind of gamer who frantically pounds buttons to end cutscenes as quickly as possible, finds long conversations with computer-controlled characters boring, and pays as little attention as possible to the stories in games, then Dragon Age: Origins is not for you. Ferelden, the world that developer BioWare has crafted for this RPG is epic in scope. Ferelden has been brought to life on a scale rarely seen in video games, especially those not based on some other work of fiction or entertainment. Religion, politics, history, literature, and entire cultures within Ferelden have been brought to life in the game, and with an impressive amount of detail. I wouldn't be at all surprised if you spend more of your time with the game reading than doing anything else.

Wertung: 74%
At the time of writing, it has been nearly 55 hours since I begun my adventure through the realms of Bioware’s latest fantasy-RPG Dragon Age: Origins, the game continually taunts me by stating that i’ve explored 54% of its world and if that wasn’t enough i’ve only currently managed to complete 30% of the game. There’s no doubt about it RPG fans, this is a game that is set to consume many hours – yet the big question remains, is it worth it?

Wertung: 9/10
Englisch (XBox360)
Dragon Age: Origins marks BioWare’s return to their Dungeons & Dragons roots, and the release of Baldur’s Gate’s spiritual sequel, almost a decade after the groundbreaking title. On paper that’s a lot to live up to, and perhaps we went into the console versions expecting a little too much. After the release of Mass Effect we’ve seen what the developer can do on current gen platforms, but have they crafted another gem?

Wertung: 7.8/10
This long, detailed, and extravagant game is quite difficult to review, mostly because of it's length, but also because it will only reach a certain audience. Is that audience you? Are you the demographic? Either way, hit the jump and find out just how epic this valiant tale is.

Wertung: 5 von 5 Punkten
When I told a friend I was getting sucked into the world of the epic-length “Dragon Age: Origins” and worried about the time commitment and how much it would take away from the rest of my life, he used a phrase that I had never heard before: “the RPG hole”. Like a black hole, role-playing games have a way of sucking players in, and when the experience is as immersive, well-designed, and entertaining as “Origins,” it’s easy to see why.

Wertung: 4.0/5.0
Bioware: Liest oder hört man diesen Namen, fallen einem sofort RPG-Meistwerke wie Knights of the Old Republic, Baldur‘s Gate 2 oder Mass Effect ein. Kaum ein anderer Entwickler beherrscht sein Handwerk so gut wie die Kanadier. Bioware: Dieser Name steht für ausgefeilte, komplexe Geschichten, tiefgründige Charaktere und grandiose Dialoge. Nach dem immensen Erfolg von Mass Effect melden sich die Rollenspiel-Experten endlich wieder zurück, mit Dragon Age: Origins, das schon lange vor dem Release als geistiger Nachfolger des ewigen Klassikers Baldur‘s Gate 2 gehandelt wurde - wenn auch ohne D&D-Lizenz und mit eigenem Regelwerk. Doch schafft Dragon Age: Origins es, die immensen Erwartungen der Fangemeinde zu erfüllen? Dies und mehr klären wir in unserem Review.

Wertung: 10/10 Punkten
BioWare ist wieder da! Nach Baldur's Gate, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic und dem hervorragenden Mass Effect steht mit Dragon Age: Origins der neuste Blockbuster der Rollenspielprofis im Handel. Wir verraten euch, ob sich der Ausflug nach Ferelden lohnt.

Wertung: 91%
Baldur’s Gate was the first time I had ever heard of the Forgotten Realms. The level of detail in the world, the centuries of history, and the depth in the relationships between kingdoms and groups was astounding. It all made sense after I found out Faerûn had many different authors telling stories in this world to flesh it out in novels and as a Dungeons and Dragons campaign setting.

Playing Dragon Age: Origins brought me back to all of that. I was compelled to read every scroll, forced to peruse every book so that I could learn more about this world. Slowly, it wove many tales that combined to explain why Ferelden is unlike any other fantasy setting; elves are not fey creatures of the forest, mages are harshly controlled and regulated by the religious establishment, and priests cannot call down healing from the gods.

Wertung: 9.5 of 10 Points
Epic storytelling. Moral choices. Characters you grow to love (or love to hate). These are just a few of the things that have helped define Bioware as a game developer over the years through such classic role-playing games as Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect and, now, Dragon Age: Origins.

Wertung: 9.0 of 10 Points
Man mag es kaum glauben, aber es ist bereits unfassbare sieben Jahre her, dass uns Bioware zuletzt ein reinrassiges Fantasy-Abenteuer beschert hat. Doch es stimmt, denn auf Neverwinter Nights (2002) folgten die Weltraum-Ausflüge Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2003) und Mass Effect (2007), das asiatische angehauchte Jade Empire (2005) sowie die NDS-Igelei Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (2008). Da war es wirklich höchste Zeit für ein Dragon Age: Origins, schließlich brauchen alle Zwergen-Freunde, Elfen-Anbeter und Zauber-Zampanos regelmäßig Nachschub. Aber nur, weil wir nun wieder einmal mit holden Maiden, rüstigen Recken und düsteren Drachen herumtollen dürfen, heißt dies noch lange nicht, dass es sich dabei auch um ein gutes Game handelt. Doch wenn sich Bioware damit beschäftigt, dann kann doch eigentlich gar nichts schief gehen. Oder?

Wertung: 91%
Deutsch GameRadio
Als geistiger Nachfolger von Baldur’s Gate 2 angekündigt, erscheint mit Dragon Age: Origins jetzt ein echtes Rollenspiel-Highlight für all diejenigen, die erwachsenere Titel fernab der geschönten Fantasy-Welt bevorzugen, aber auch für diejenigen, die taktische und storytechnisch herausragende Rollenspiele, inklusive einem Gameplay voller Konsequenzen suchen. Diese Faktoren fügt Dragon Age: Origins brillant zu einem tollen Erlebnis zusammen. Mehr dazu in den nachfolgenden Textzeilen.

Deutsch GameCaptain
Seit Jahrhunderten beschützen die Grauen Wächter das Fantasyreich Ferelden und schlagen, wenn auch unter großen Verlusten, jede Welle der dämonischen Verderbnis heldenhaft zurück. Doch nie war ihre Aufgabe so schwer wie beim aktuellen Krieg gegen die Dunkle Brut, zumal sich die Reihen der Wächter gelichtet haben und manche ihrer Zeitgenossen die Bedrohung leugnen oder sie gar für eigene finstere Zweck ausnutzen. Nun ist es an einer Handvoll Abenteurer, Fereldens Streitkräfte für die entscheidende Schlacht zu vereinen...

I've wanted to write a review for this game ever since I first got my hands on it. The problem is, once you get your hands on it, you barely have time for anything else.

Wertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
The ideal Role-Playing Game (RPG) can be broken down into a few essential elements - a gripping storyline that grabs you by the nads and drives you onto a journey you can't help but follow through. Then comes the main course - a game world that helps you cultivate a burning zest for exploration, and the urge to lose yourself in its lucid cocoon. Finally, at the core there's the need for gameplay that squares its shoulders to cart you through to the very end, while compelling you enough to pave your own experimental path (where character or story progression is concerned).

Wertung: 4,5 von 5 Sternen
Gib mir Blut - Gibt mir ein Schwert und lasst uns die Frauen befreien. Vaughan hat sie von der Hochzeit entführt und braucht die hübschen Damen für seine Zwecke. Seiner Sucht nach Macht. Die Elfen von Dalish sind in Gefahr. Werden wir es schaffen, die Welt der "Spitzohren" zu retten und dem Volk Frieden heimkehren lassen? Werden wir es schaffe, das neuste Rollenspiel-Epos Dragon Age: Origins von BioWare zu gewinnen, oder werden wir erwachen, in einer Lache voller Blut. Erfahrt es in unserem ausführlichen Spiele-Test!

Wertung: 95%
Since the release of Baldur's Gate in 1998, BioWare has cultivated a strong reputation for quality role-playing games, exploring various aspects of the genre ranging from traditional D&D roles and rules to space marine and Jedi Knights. Dragon Age: Origins is a shift back to traditional swords-and-sorcery standards, unashamedly embracing the archetypes that made RPGs what they are, and using them to tell a complex, interesting story in a familiar yet unexplored world. In addition, BioWare has done yet another iteration of their combat system to make it deeper and allow the player to dictate the level of engagement. The result is that Dragon Age: Origins is one of the best RPGs in recent history. Read on for the rest of my thoughts.

Wertung: 8/10 Points
From RPG legend BioWare – creators of Baldur’s Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and Mass Effect – comes Dragon Age: Origins, a dark fantasy game of epic proportions. And unlike the popular vernacular, I do not use that word lightly… There is no question that the PC is the premiere platform for experiencing this game. The graphics, interface, controls, and price are all better, and powerful mod tools have already been released! Just how good is this supposed spiritual successor to Baldur’s Gate? Keep reading, friend, and find out!

Wertung: 95%
The story is a familiar one, culled from the tales of Middle-Earth, Christianity, and even BioWare’s previous works. Driven by power and greed, mankind awakened the grotesque forms of the Darkspawn, and only the Grey Wardens were able to thwart the ensuing Blight. Four centuries have passed. The Darkspawn have become folk-tales, and the Grey Wardens, forgotten relics.

Wertung: 9.5/10 Points
BioWare delivers yet again.
Evil beings have an excuse, they only know the darkness, but man, man is capable of so much worse and is born in light. Dragon Age has been the biggest game I've ever reviewed on top of the fact that this is supposed to be the continuation of a series that I grew up on, Baldur's Gate. To say that I was excited for this game is a bit of an understatement, not since the release of WoW or Halo 3 have I actually been giddy for a game, and after dropping nearly 30 hours into this epic, I feel confident in giving you guys my thoughts on this massive title.

Wertung: 9.5/10
Your character’s journey through the world of Dragon Age: Origins is a bloody one. Battles and cutscenes are filled with spurting gore, and the trail your party takes along the world map is colored by sanguinary splatters. But the gratuitous pools of red your enemies leave on the battlefield helps paint the bigger picture: Whether you’re fighting ravening monsters or desperate refugees hoping to kill you for coin, everything bleeds, and everything dies.

Wertung: A
BioWare's legendary expertise in the realms of expansive, immersive RPGs is in no question. Their back catalog is a pantheon of PC classics spanning multiple genres and a variety of settings. Despite their recent critical (and commercial) success in the realms of Sci-Fi, a lot of fans have been hoping they'd return to their roots and craft another epic fantasy role playing game. The wait is over, for Dragon Age is here.

Wertung: 9.0/10
Dragon Age: Origins has been in development for five years, but the action is timeless. Set in a Tolkeinesque fantasy world, this is a traditional role-playing game complete with quests, chests (both kinds) and combat.

Wertung: 4 of 5 Stars
After courting with the consoles in more recent times and applying their collective thumbprint to Sci-Fi themed RPGs in galaxies far, far away (along with a brief bout with martial arts), BioWare returns to the more familiar stamping ground of dwarfs and elves with the long anticipated release of Dragon Age: Origins.

Wertung: 8/10 Points
Championed as the "spiritual successor" to Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn (widely considered one of the best fantasy role-playing games of all time), Dragon Age: Origins carries a great deal of expectations. Big-budget RPGs are becoming rarer and rarer in this world of social gaming, online piracy, and console games that require multimillion-dollar development budgets.

Wertung: A
Admittedly, when I first sampled Dragon Age months ago during an Electronic Arts press-tour here in New York City, I was underwhelmed. After all, it's kind of hard to fall in love with an RPG game in 20 minutes, especially since you have no idea what's going on, and since these preview builds often throw you many hours into the game. But of course all of that changed once I got a copy of Dragon Age last week and spent a whole bunch of time with it. In fact, Dragon Age may very well be one the biggest sleeper hits of the year, and easily the best RPG too.

Wertung: 9.0 of 10 Points
Englisch Cheat Code Central
Dragon Age: Origins is an innovative, masterfully crafted strategic RPG from perhaps the greatest developer of such titles. Whereas most games in the genre fixate on level-grinding, Dragon Age emphasizes storytelling and tactical combat, while still providing deep character development. Many tired conventions have gone out the window or have been reinterpreted to bring about a fresh, truly engaging experience. This is the best fantasy RPG to drop since Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion; more than filling the void left behind by that title.

Wertungen: PC: 4.6 of 5, PS3: 4.2 of 5, Xbox360: 4.2 of 5 Points
Odds are most of the world hasn’t heard of Dragon Age: Origins. Sure, there are a few commercials and trade ads, but in a world in which the video game industry is a mega-power in the entertainment business – it’s easy to miss Dragon Age: Origins. There’s no multi-million dollar ad campaign, no banner ads hanging in Time Square, the game relies purely on its own merits.

Wertung: 10 of 10 Points
Have any plans for the next, say, four months? It could take you that long to tackle DRAGON AGE: ORIGINS, a new fantasy role-playing game (RPG) with roughly 100 hours of gameplay -- not to mention optional downloadable quests that expand the world even further. BioWare's dark, single-player epic features plenty of combat, deep storytelling and adventurous exploration.

Wertung: 4 of 5 Stars
2009 ist das Jahr der großen Rollenspiele: „Risen“ und „Divinity 2: Ego Draconis“ haben uns bereits schlaflose Nächte mit fantastischen Abenteuern beschert. Doch zum Jahresende holt nun BioWare noch einmal zum großen Schlag aus: „Dragon Age: Origins“ ist der krönende Saisonabschluss für alle Rollenspieler – spannend, nahezu perfekt spielbar und toll in Szene gesetzt.

Wertung: 90%
What do you do when you stop making games for one of the biggest roleplaying franchises of all time? If you're BioWare, the answer is easy -- make your own roleplaying franchise and start again from scratch. Dragon Age: Origins sees BioWare return to the world of dark fantasy since it disassociated from the critically acclaimed Baldur's Gate games, bringing an entirely new world, characters and story to the genre in the hopes of creating a brand new fantasy RPG series.

Wertung: 7.5 of 10 Points
Baldur’s Gate was released in 1998 and set the standard for single-player team-based role-playing games. Four years later (give or take a couple of months), BioWare released Neverwinter Nights – a game that picked up the flag that Baldur’s Gate had set as the benchmark and moved it forward. In 2007 The Witcher entered the RPG scene and gave the genre a more-adult feel, but that was very much a solo-character effort. When it comes to the concept of the team format, of tactical combat, nothing has really moved the genre forward … until now.

Wertung: 9.9 of 10 Points
Like any good RPG, all of the variety of content outside—quests, side-missions and the like—is countered by a ton of content just within your own character. The customization of your character as he or she progresses is very deep, with many new skills, both passive and activated, available to you as you level up. Say you have a rogue character. You could concentrate your upgrades to his archery-based skills, making them a formidable ranged attacker; or you could focus on double-handed attacks to improve his back-stabbing abilities. There are dozens of routes to take with your character, and since you can control the upgrades of your party members as well, it’s easy to bless your crew with a very wide range of abilities.

Wertung: 9.2 of 10 Points
Dragon Age: Origins is old-school. Before achievements and trophies, a role-player's greatest achievement was working the system to build the most broken, overpowered character possible within the constraints of whatever edition of Dungeons & Dragons the game was based on. Origins is a solitary experience; you'll isolate yourself from the outside world, staying up nights and well into the morning because when this game grabs you, it simply won't let go.

Wertung: 4,5 of 5 Stars
Deutsch PC Action
Bioware wollte ein Dark-Fantasy- Szenario heraufbeschwören, was überzeugend gelingt. Riesenspinnen mit fett aufgedunsenen Hinterleibern und wild klickenden Mandibeln, schaurig knurrende und heulende Werwölfe, abgrundtief böse Genlocs der Dunklen Brut, bekleidet mit martialischen Rüstungen – die Spielwelt wirkt an allen Ecken und Enden düster und bedrohlich.

Wertung: 9/10 Punkten
Deutsch GameStar
Der Rollenspiel-Entwickler Bioware liefert sein bestes Werk seit Baldur’s Gate 2 ab. Dragon Age ist in unserem Test der PC-Version ein packend erzähltes, hochmotivierendes Erwachsenen-Abenteuer.

Wertung: 92%
Sie wollen ein atemberaubendes Abenteuer mit einer epischen Story erleben? Dann sollten Sie sich das folgenden Review zu "Dragon Age: Origins" nicht entgehen lassen.

Wertung: 95%
Deutsch (360)
Ein epischer Kampf zwischen Gut und Böse und Sie mitten drin. Für welche Seite werden Sie sich entscheiden? Im neuen Rollenspiel-Kracher aus dem Hause BioWare, machen Sie sich auf in eine abenteuerliche Welt. Was Sie dort erwartet, lesen Sie in unserer Review.

Wertung: 89%
Deutsch Konsolentest
Blutergüsse, Blutdurst, Blutfontänen, Blutwurst! Nach unserem Test von Dragon: Age: Origins wissen wir, welche Farbe in Biowares Rollenspiel für Erwachsene vorherrscht. In dem brutal erzählten Fantasy-Epos löst ihr mit maximal vier Charakteren tonnenweise Quests und vermöbelt dabei am laufenden Band Monster, die wirklich zum Fürchten gut aussehen. Was ihr dabei im Verlauf der taktischen Kämpfe auch anstellt, am Ende ertrinken eure Helden förmlich im roten Pixelsaft und eure zuvor schimmernden Rüstungen sind völlig zugesaut und damit ein Fall für den Vollwaschgang.

Wertung: 85%
Ein Ende ist immer ein Anfang. Das gilt für Dragon Age: Origins auf viele Arten und insoweit ist es nur angemessen, dass das Ende meiner inzwischen einige Wochen alten Vorschau zu diesem Spiel den Anfang des Tests bildet. „Die Chancen stehen sehr gut, dass Dragon Age nicht das Rollenspiel wird, auf das ich seit dem Erscheinen der Xbox 360 wartete oder seit es Bioware gibt. Es könnte das RPG werden, auf das ich warte, seit ich das erste Mal einen Power-Schalter an einem spieletauglichen Gerät betätigte.“ Diese Wartezeit ist an ihrem Ende angekommen. Dragon Age: Origins IST dieses Rollenspiel. Aber warum?

Wertung: 10/10 Punkten
Englisch PC Review
Incredible storytelling, great characters, and exciting battles are just a few of the things that make this fantasy role-playing game so extraordinary.

Wertung: 9.5/10
Englisch PS3 Review
When was the last time you felt totally lost in a fantasy gameworld? When was the last time you played a game with such a well-crafted and enjoyable story that you knew you’d remember it for a long, long time? Dragon Age: Origins is that kind of game, so rich and involving that you are powerless to resist its wiles and whims, so touching and triumphant that your mind and heart will be moved. In the fictional land of Ferelden, you meet memorable characters and fight for a cause you believe in, and it's this backdrop that makes developer BioWare's newest role-playing game so extraordinary.

Wertung: 9.0/10
Englisch Xbox360 Review
When was the last time you felt totally lost in a fantasy gameworld? When was the last time you played a game with such a well-crafted and enjoyable story that you knew you’d remember it for a long, long time? Dragon Age: Origins is that kind of game, so rich and involving that you are powerless to resist its wiles and whims, so touching and triumphant that your mind and heart will be moved. In the fictional land of Ferelden, you meet memorable characters and fight for a cause you believe in, and it's this backdrop that makes developer BioWare's newest role-playing game so extraordinary.

Wertung: 8.5/10
Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire, Mass Effect. Die Kanadier von Bioware haben im Lauf ihrer Firmengeschichte einige der größten und bekanntesten Rollenspiele seit der Existenz von PC und Konsole auf den Markt gebracht. Schafft Bioware mit Dragon Age: Origins wieder einmal das beste Rollenspiele der letzten Jahre? Wir meinen: ja - und sagen euch, warum.

Wertung: PC: 91%, 360: 89%
Ein RPG-Epos? Ohne Zweifel! Nahe an der Perfektion? Keinesfalls. Dragon Age überzeugt zwar in Sachen Spielzeit, Storytiefe, Ernsthaftigkeit, Entscheidungen -- nervt jedoch mit Dauerkämpfen, unrealistischen Schlauchlevels und Designmacken. Je nach Heldengruppe ist es zudem etwas zu schwer oder zu einfach. Unser Test geht in die Tiefe.

Wertung: 9.0 von 10 Punkten
Nostalgia is a terrible adversary, especially for tactics-based RPG lovers. So when BioWare officially started calling Dragon Age: Origins the "spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate II," you could almost hear a large sigh being let out from the role-playing contingent who worshipped that seminal game and have been disappointed time and time again by similar claims over the years. While a large part of that uproar was imaginary, fingers were validly pointed towards the non-party-based focus of Neverwinter Nights and the gradual loss of complexity in BioWare's trio of console-first RPG franchises--KOTOR, Jade Empire, and Mass Effect--released over the last decade.

Wertung: 5 of 5 Stars
Wie lange ist das jetzt her? Wann gab's das letzte richtige Party-Rollenspiel? Wann zuletzt Begleiter mit Herz und Seele? Im Jahre 2003 war's, da rauschte Knights of the Old Republic um die Ecke. Lange Zeit nichts. Drei Jahre später wollte es Obsidian mit Neverwinter Nights 2 wissen. Noch längere Zeit nichts. Am Donnerstag sind sie zurück: BioWare, die Rollenspielgötter aus Kanada. Mit einem epischen Abenteuer – und einer Liebeserklärung.

Wertung: 94%
Früher hatte man Respekt vor ihnen. Sie fesselten für Wochen, bargen unendliche Geheimnisse und mit den schweren Handbüchern konnte man Geschwister verjagen. Heutzutage sind Rollenspiele nur noch selten so faszinierend wie diese Vampire. Umso größer war die Überraschung, als eine blutrote Kreatur über meinen Schreibtisch flatterte, mich in Dunkelheit hüllte und gnadenlos zubiss - die Zähne hinterließen eine Narbe mit neun Buchstaben: Dragon Age. Der Beginn einer euphorischen Wandlung?

Wertung: PC: 90%, 360: 85%
Englisch (CVG)
It is said it was the hubris of man that brought the Darkspawn into the world: a rampaging evil, swelling up from underground, that attacks without mercy or purpose. It has been over four hundred years since the last Blight, but even those who remember believe there will never be another. One man disagrees. Duncan, head of the Grey Wardens in the nation of Ferelden, sees all the signs of a coming Blight. He is seeking new members to join this most elite band of fighters, for it is only the Grey Wardens who can defeat the Archdemon at the centre of the onslaught.

Wertung: 9.4 of 10 Points
Dragon Age: Origins represents BioWare’s return to its roots, delivering a fusion of the best elements of existing fantasy works with stunning visuals, emotionally-driven narrative, heart-pounding combat, powerful magic abilities and credible digital actors. The spirit of classic RPGs comes of age, as Dragon Age: Origins features a dark and mature story and gameplay.

Wertung: 8.0 of 10 Points
Deutsch PC Games
Eine der Stärken von Dragon Age ist sicherlich die fantastische Geschichte, die uns von Anfang bis zum Ende an den Monitor gefesselt hat. Sicher greift sie viele, rollenspieltypische Aspekte auf - Mächtiges Böses, Bedrohung der Welt, die Heldengruppe als Retter - allerdings sind sie sehr gut erzählt und konfrontieren den Spieler auch mit Entscheidungen abseits des typischen Gut-Böse-Schwarz-Weiß-Filters. Es gibt Verrat, ungeahnte Storywendungen, Überraschungen und die eigenen Entscheidungen führen zu teils krassen Ergebnissen: ein Gruppengefährte, der aufgrund unserer Entscheidungen exekutiert wird, oder der sich plötzlich auf die Seite des Feindes schlägt, um ein paar Beispiele anzudeuten - verraten wollen/sollen wir ja nichts.

Wertung: 91%
Once every few hundred years, the Darkspawn Blight comes to the fair lands of Ferelden. Agents of darkness, bringers of evil, these unholy creatures cut great swathes of pain across the earth. They are led by the Archdemon, an ancient beast of immense power, and they would surely destroy us all if it were not for the stalwart courage of the Grey Wardens. They alone stand against the horrors of the Blight, forever our vigilant guardians, protecting us from harm. They perform their duty without thanks, for lately, there is none to give. Ferelden is split, torn asunder from the highest castle of a Noble Lord to the darkest corner of a Dwarven mineshaft.

Wertung: 9.2 out of 10 - Outstanding
Englisch burn360
Dragon Age Origins could be the first game in awhile that is living up to the unrealistic expectations that the video game industry hype machine creates in our opinion. What was expected and what was actually unfolding infront of our eyes, was actually near parity for once. Dragon Age Origins is an RPG mashup of sorts. With elements from many previous creations from Bioware, I think they picked the best elements from their stellar catalog of titles. A little dash of Mass Effect, plus a pinch of Kotor, and a cup of Baldurs Gate, plus a little story stealage (not a word) from the LOTR and you get Dragon Age Origins.

Wertung: 4.5/5
Englisch NOWGamer
Like playing one of the most engaging games of your life on an emotional rollercoaster suspended between an excitable pair of moral pendulums. An engaging, emotive, thrill-packed joy ride of an RPG whose quality exceeds anything we could have possibly expected.

Wertung: 9.4/10
Englisch Gameinformer
Before BioWare amassed a following among console gamers with games like Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire, and Mass Effect, the developer already had a significant fanbase. These gamers loved the studio for its work on the PC series Baldur’s Gate and Neverwinter Nights – tactical, story-driven RPGs with an emphasis on party mechanics. No developer did that style of game better in those days, and Dragon Age: Origins proves that BioWare isn’t giving up the crown. Dragon Age brilliantly combines the genre’s old-school conventions with a few modern twists to create one of the most addictive and expansive RPGs of its kind.

Wertung: 9/10